Tag Archives: James Dean

The History of the T-shirt: From Undershirt to Iconic Fashion Staple

The History of the T-Shirt (James Dean plain white tee) PYGear.com

The T-shirt is a simple yet iconic garment that has become a staple in wardrobes around the world. While it may seem like a modern invention, the T-shirt has a long and fascinating history dating back over 100 years.

The T-shirt as we know it today was first introduced in the United States in the early 1900s. It was originally designed as an undershirt to be worn beneath other garments, and was made from lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. The T-shirt got its name from the T-shape formed by its body and sleeves.

The T-shirt was originally intended to be a utilitarian garment, and was worn mostly by manual laborers and athletes who needed a comfortable and functional shirt that allowed them to move freely. However, it wasn’t long before the T-shirt began to gain popularity among the general public as well.


Air Corps Gunnery School T-shirt featured on the July 13th 1942 cover of LIFE magazine
Air Corps Gunnery School T-shirt featured on the July 13th 1942 cover of LIFE magazine

During World War II, T-shirts became even more popular as they were issued to soldiers as part of their uniforms. The lightweight, comfortable shirts were well-suited to the hot, humid conditions of the tropics, and were much appreciated by soldiers who were used to wearing heavy woolen uniforms. After the war, many veterans returned home with T-shirts as souvenirs, and the shirts soon became popular casual wear.


The history of the t-shirt James Dean. PYGear.com
James Dean in his iconic white t-shirt in the movie ‘Rebel Without A Cause‘ (1955)


Marlon Brando white t-shirt. PYGear.com
Another iconic plain white tee as worn by the equally rebellious sex-symbol, Marlon Brando in ‘A Street Car Named Desire’ (1951)

In the 1950s, T-shirts gained even more popularity when they were embraced by the youth culture of the time. The simple, unadorned shirt became a symbol of rebellion and nonconformity, and was often worn by teenagers and young adults as a statement of their independence and individuality. The T-shirt was particularly popular among young men, who wore them as a casual alternative to dress shirts.

Over the next few decades, the T-shirt evolved from a functional undershirt to a fashion item in its own right. Designers began to experiment with different styles, cuts, and materials, and the T-shirt became a canvas for artistic expression and self-expression. T-shirts were produced in a wide range of colors, and graphics and slogans became a popular way to personalize the shirt and make a statement.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the T-shirt reached the height of its popularity, and was worn by people of all ages and walks of life. T-shirts became a popular medium for political and social commentary, and were used to express support for various causes and movements. The T-shirt also played a role in popular culture, and was featured in countless movies, TV shows, and music videos.


Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson unicorn t-shirt in Central Intelligence movie. PYGear.com
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson unicorn t-shirt in Central Intelligence movie

Today, the T-shirt is more popular than ever, and is worn by people all over the world. It is available in a wide variety of styles, from plain and simple to elaborate and adorned with graphics, patterns, and slogans. The T-shirt has become a true fashion staple, and is a versatile and comfortable garment that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.

In conclusion, the T-shirt is much more than just a piece of clothing. It has a rich history that reflects the changing attitudes and values of society over time. From its humble beginnings as an undershirt to its current status as a fashion staple, the T-shirt has come a long way and shows no signs of slowing down. It is a garment that has been embraced by people of all ages and cultures, and has played a significant role in popular culture and social movements. The T-shirt is a true icon, and is sure to remain a wardrobe staple for years to come.
